Other Dangerous Goods or Hazardous Materials
Not Sure
Contains Batteries or Cells?
Not Sure
Flammable Liquid
Not Sure
Not Sure
Thinking Of You Gift Box, Hug In A Box, Mom Gift Set, Hygee Gift Box, Encouragement Gift,Cozy Care Package, Self Care Basket, Custom Gift | Christmas Gift Basket | Trendy Gift Box
✨Exfoliating Soap Scrubber
✨Wooden Spoon
✨Rose Bath Salts
✨Salted Caramel Candy
✨Cute Charm
✨Cotton Throw Candle (50x60)
✨Coffee Mug
?BOX 2
✨100% Honey
✨Warm Hugs Hand-poured Soy Candle
✨WhiteFuzzy Socks
✨Drink Coaster
✨Caramel Candies
✨Match Sticks
✨Cute Charm
✨Coffee Mug
✨Honey Mixer Sticks
✨Cream Throw Blanket (50x60)
?BOX 3
✨Cream Throw Blanket (50x60)
✨Mini Journal
✨White Fuzzy Socks
✨Golden Pen
✨Caramel Candies
✨Match Sticks
✨Coffee Mug
✨Raw Honey
✨Honey Mixing Stick
✨Naturally Flavored Coffee
✨Golden Spoon
✨Latte Creamer
?BOX 4
✨Warm Hugs Hand-poured Soy Candle
✨White Fuzzy Socks
✨Jewelry Pouch
✨Golden Coaster
✨Match Sticks
✨Cute Charm
✨Black Tea
✨Glass Cup with lid & Glass Straw
( Please note that cup style might change depending on stock)
✨Golden Coaster
✨Cotton Throw Blanket (50x70)
✨Golden Spoon
✨Jewelry Bag Holder
?BOX 5
✨2.5 oz Matcha Body Bar
✨4 oz Matcha Body Cream
✨5.5 oz Shower Creamer (Steamer)
✨3 oz Matcha S0p Bar
✨100% Soy Wax Candle
✨Cute Charm
✨Throw Blanket (50x60)
✨Bath bomb
✨Bubble Bar
?BOX 6
✨Cream Throw Blanket (50x60)
✨Warm Hugs Hand-poured Soy Candle
✨WhiteFuzzy Socks
✨Mocha Creamer
✨Caramel Candies
✨Match Sticks
✨Coffee Mug
✨Urban Coaster
✨Jewelry Bag
?BOX 7
✨Warm Hugs Hand-poured Soy Candle
✨WhiteFuzzy Socks
✨Sweet Milk and Sugar Latte Creamer
✨100% Black Tea
✨Match Sticks
✨Cute Charm
✨Black Tea
✨Golden Tea/Coffee Strainer
✨Golden Spoon
✨Jewelry Bag Holder
?BOX 8
✨Warm Hugs Hand-poured Soy Candle
✨WhiteFuzzy Socks
✨Sweet Milk and Sugar Latte Creamer
✨Salted Caramel Pour Over Coffee
✨Match Sticks
✨Cute Charm
✨Golden Pen
✨Chocolate in Burlap Bag
✨Cotton Throw Candle (50x60)
✨Golden Spoon
✨Jewelry Bag Holder
?BOX 9
✨Warm Hugs Hand-poured Soy Candle
✨WhiteFuzzy Socks
✨Sweet Milk and Sugar Latte Creamer
✨100% Black Tea
✨Match Sticks
✨Cute Charm
✨Black Tea
Thank you for supporting our small business. We wholeheartedly appreciate you!
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